Photo: Debbie MacKenlay training Montanna on a Rally course.

Rally is short for Rally Obedience with exercises used in Rally having similarities to those in obedience classes. Rally develops team work between handler and dog, as they navigate a course of signs and skill tasks. As the dog and handler gain skill, more difficult courses are designed. You may find your dog more engaged as a result of training in Rally.
Rally courses are set up and available from 9.00 to 9:45 am each Sunday. Members are welcome to participate in the sport of Rally Obedience once they have completed either the Good Citizen program or Grade 1 Obedience. Bookings are made via our online scheduling program.
To become familiar with the signs, download the rules from the ANKC website https://ankc.org.au/AboutUs/?id=1253
Agility is a fun sport for dogs and handlers to get fit together. Dogs are required to learn fun obstacles such as hoops, tunnels, weaving poles, dog walk, see saw and jumps.
Be aware that a few breeds may not be suitable for agility and it may be advisable they become spectators rather than participants. It is also advisable not to train overweight dogs or dogs with joint problems without consulting your vet first.
To join our Agility program your dog must be at least 18 months old, have solid foundation skills such as recall, stays and be able to work off lead. Please get in touch with our instructor Rosanne at the club to express interest in joining this program, or email her info@easternshoredogclub.com.au .